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Harken AA Battcar Systems

Harken AA Battcar Systems
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Category #: 10290
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Parts for this system are listed below.

This system is typcially used for monohull boats up to 37 feet in length with mainsail area under 350 square feet. The system can be used on multihull boats up to 30 feet in length with up to 275 square feet of sail area.

The one-piece solid aluminum consturction is lightweight and strong. The free-rolling ball bearing cars let you hoist and reef the main quickly on all points of the sail. Cars are easily removed from the track by freeing the screwpin endstop and sliding them off. Stainless steel wire guides keep the balls captive when teh car is off the track.


3823 - Harken Harken Micro CB Track End Kit - Wide Flat

$101.95 each

3822 - Harken Micro CB Track End Kit - Flat

$101.95 each

3821 - Harken Micro CB Track End Kit - Round

$101.95 each

3820 - Harken Harken Micro CB Track Slug Set - Wide Flat

$121.95 each

3819 - Harken Micro CB Track Slug Set - Flat

$121.95 each

3818 - Harken Micro CB Track Slug Set - Round

$121.95 each

3816 - Harken Micro CB Battcar with 10mm Threaded Stud

$221.95 each

3817 - Harken Micro CB Mast Track

$108.95 each

3815 - Harken Micro CB Ball Bearing Luff Car

$154.95 each

3814 - Harken Micro CB Plastic Luff Slide

$33.95 each

3813 - Harken Micro CB Headboard Car Asembly

$498.95 each