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Updated: March 18, 2013
Privacy and Security Policy:
1. Visitors to our website are not required to give any personal information in order to use most features on the sites. Users can access and browse these sites without disclosing personal data (name, address, payment information, etc). We only collect data with user knowledge and consent when they fill out an online form, log in to one our sites using their personal logon information or email us. Products placed in our online shopping cart is only associated with a specific visitor when that visitor logs in to their online account or completes an online order.
2. Our site captures limited information about visits to our site. We use this information to analyze general site traffic patterns (e.g. what content is most popular) and in fulfillment of orders or information requests made by user.
3. When users place an order for goods or services we collect address and contact information necessary to correctly deliver their package and contact them with updates about the order.
4. We collect the personal data that users volunteer via online registrations, orders, surveys, competitions, or by e-mail.
5. TOA websites may use e-mail and regular mail address information collected for occasional mailings related to TOA and affiliated products and events. Users may always opt out of these mailings by contacting customerservice@toadmarinesupply.com
6. TOA does not sell, trade, exchange or give away any of our mailing lists or customer information databases. Any personal information you supply to us, including e-mail addresses, postal mailing addressees, names, phone numbers or demographic information, remains with us. In the case that our business structure, operating procedure or ownership changes it is possible that any part of this policy and the information it covers could change. (See section 11 for information about how to be informed of such changes.) Any collected personal data and information will not be disclosed to governmental institutions or legal authorities except under court order or when required by law.
7. Should you not wish to receive mailings from TOA please notify us at customerservice@toadmarinesupply.com
8. For orders placed via TOA's online store, credit card information is transmitted using encryption. We use encryption technology to further protect your personal information and enhance your shopping experience.
9. Should you have any comments, questions or suggestions please notify our privacy assurance coordinator at customerservice@toadmarinesupply.com
10. If you have concerns about the accuracy of information submitted or stored related to your account, please notify us at customerservice@toadmarinesupply.com . Upon request we will provide you with a readable copy of the personal-data, which we keep about you. We will provide the information within ten business days.
11. Like any business policy, it is possible that this policy will change from time to time as business conditions and technologies change. If you would like to be informed when this policy changes, please contact us at customerservice@toadmarinesupply.com